KURO-Bō Water

Fresh Tips and New Beginnings in Self-Care with a Simple Glass of KURO-Bō Water

#1 Summer is here and temperatures are rising. As you become more active, don’t wait until you are feeling thirsty to drink water. Keep a glass of water at hand and in sight to encourage you to increase your intake to keep your sweating process fluid in flushing toxins and supporting your body to cleanse your lymphatic system.

#2 Office air conditioning dehydrates you, for optimum functioning between work and home or the gym, keep your water intake mobile by filling up your KURO-Bō water bottle from the KURO-Bō water filter dispenser and keeping fresh, delicious water with you throughout your daily schedule.

#3 Drink a glass of water before and after exercise and support your muscles in their stretch and strengthening.

#4 Restaurants that support the trend towards health, optimise their services by making fresh water available with the KURO-Bō water dispenser on the counter, so you can take a sip of water between each bite of food at meals.

#5 If you take medication, drink a full glass of water with each dosage.

#6 Battling to fall sleep at night? Drink a glass of water and watch how it settles your body and relaxes you into restful sleep.

KURO-Bō Water

Available to purchase from www.kuro-bo.com, Wellness Warehouse, Faithful To Nature and Takealot.