Infinite Foods, Africa’s premier go-to-market platform for leading plant-based food brands, announced its partnership with Eat Just, Inc., creator of award-winning, top-selling plant-based JUST Egg products. JUST Egg Folded is perfect on top of toast and inside breakfast sandwiches.
JUST Egg Folded will be available at all Wellness Warehouse retailers across South Africa. JUST Egg Folded can also be found on menus at restaurants in greater Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban including Lexi’s, Jackson’s and Great Cape Deli. It will also be available via Infinite Foods’ eCommerce site at
The product is the first plant-based egg to launch in Africa and will be sold in retail as a box of four in the frozen foods aisle. The key ingredient is protein from the mung bean, a legume that has been cultivated for thousands of years and is a dietary staple in Asia. JUST Egg Folded is free of cholesterol, has as much protein or more protein as many animal proteins (7g) and can be easily heated up in a toaster, oven, pan or microwave. The product’s ingredients use 98% less water, 86% less land and produce 93% less carbon emissions than conventional eggs.
The average South African eats about 7kg of eggs per year, or over 160 million eggs nationally. Egg consumption in Africa is growing at a rate of 1-2% per year. Chicken eggs, however, are high in cholesterol, eating just 2 eggs a day already exceeds the daily recommended cholesterol intake. High cholesterol could lead to chronic heart disease that is responsible for 37% of all non-communicable disease deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa according to the National Institute of Health (NIH). JUST Egg Folded made entirely from plants making it a healthier option for breakfast, lunch, and even dinner.
Recipes for Just Egg Folded can be found on Eat Just’s website or